I am a mother of 2 grown daughters and have 2 wonderful energetic Grandchildren who I refer to as MY BABYS even though they are my oldest daughters children. My family history goes back to the Cherokee Nation on my mothers side. I am very proud of this fact and you will see more information about this later in this page.
The things I enjoy are many, but a lot of them are related to my computer. I got my first puter for my youngest daughter in 1995. But she never really made use of it so I decided to give it a try. WOW look at me now. When I first bought it I never realised how much enjoyment it could bring to me. Now I use it for so many things it is hard to think where to start. I use IRC, Internet Relay Chat on a regular basis. It has brought me close to many wonderful people and has allowed me to learn about computers and the many things they can do for us. I have a page that tells more about Irc with links to many of my freinds that I communicate with on a regular basis now. Years gone by I used to enjoy spending some of my spare time doing ceramics, cross stitch and crochet. Now I find myself enjoying my time sitting quietly and creating graphics on my computer. I mess around in a program called PSP. I never know what I am going to make when I start, but my friends seem to like what comes out in the end.
Another of my loves these days is Beanie Babys. I have compiled a large collection. It has been sugested I look for birth control because the group seems to get larger daily
Family History
History of the Cherokee
A very special award.
my Dreambook!
my Dreambook!
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