Beanie Babie Hang Tags

I hope everyone can find some useful information on this page.

Sea Generation 1 (Early 1994 to Mid 1994)
Beanie Babies first appeared with a double sided
heart shaped red tag. A slim "ty"
logo outlined in gold.
The Beanies name and style number,
as well as company information,
was on the back.

Sea Generation 2 (Mid 1994 to Early 1995)
This was the first double tag that opened
like a book. Inside was the Beanie's name
and the style number, "To/From" for gift giving,
reference to The Beanie Babies Collection, , and
company information.

Sea Generation 3 (Early 1995 to Early 1996)
This was the first to sport the fatter bubbleshaped
"ty" logo. "The Beanie Babies TM Collection",
Ty added the trademark symbol and
Ty's three corporate addresses were included.

Sea Generation 4 (Early 1996 to Late 1997)
The front of the hang tag was again
transformed with the addition of a yellow
star with the words "Original Beanie Baby".
New features also included Beanie birthdays , ,
and poems for the first time.
Along with Ty's website information.

Sea Generation 5 (Late 1997 to Current)
Late in 97 the inside text was changed to a
different type face. The birth date is written
out in place of numbers.Ty web site is
abbreviated, and the style number was removed
"The Beanie Babies Collection" is now
registered (®),
The trademark symbol was dropped.


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